Gareth Evans-Jones is a writer and a lecturer in Philosophy and Religious Studies at Bangor University. He has published two novels for adults, Eira Llwyd (Gwasg y Bwthyn, 2018), and Y Cylch (Gwasg y Bwthyn, 2023). His book of literature and photographs inspired by a trip around Wales, Cylchu Cymru (Y Lolfa, 2022), won the Welsh-language Creative Non-fiction prize in the Wales Book of the Year Awards 2023, and has also won the Drama Medal at the National Eisteddfod twice (2019 and 2021). He edited the first anthology of LHDTC+ literature in Welsh, Curiadau (Cyhoeddiadau Barddas, 2023), and his poetic work has been translated into Armenian, Polish, Ladakhi and English.