Meena Kandasamy is a novelist, poet and translator who lives in East London. Her critically acclaimed first novel, The Gypsy Goddess (Atlantic Books, 2014), blurred the line between powerful fiction and fearsome critique in narrating the 1968 massacre of forty-four landless untouchable men, women and children striking for higher wages in the village of Kilvenmani, Tanjore. Her second novel, a work of auto-fiction, When I Hit You (Atlantic Books, 2018) drew upon her own experience within an abusive marriage, to lift the veil on the silence that surrounds domestic violence and marital rape in modern India. It was selected as a book of the year by The Guardian, The Observer, Daily Telegraph and Financial Times; and was shortlisted for the Women’s Prize for Fiction 2018, and Jhalak Prize. Her third novel, Exquisite Cadavers, is forthcoming from Atlantic Books in November 2019.
Autofiction: Taking inspiration from within (Online)
Blurring lines between fact and fiction, blending the ‘real’ and ‘imaginary’, autofiction is a rich genre for writers. In this 6-week online course, you’ll learn what ‘autofiction’ is, what creative opportunities it offers and how it differs from other forms of life writing.
During the course, you’ll look at different approaches into writing autofiction, ways of fictionalising the self and others, consider how your experience can be structured into a compelling narrative and much more. Your tutors, Meena Kandasamy and Durre Shahwar will be on-hand to guide you throughout, and you’ll be joined by a guest reader for one of the weekly sessions. During each two-hour workshop, you can expect creative prompts to help take your writing to the next level, reading suggestions to help expand your thinking and opportunities for group discussions with a community of fellow writers. At the end of the five group sessions, you’ll also have the opportunity to speak to one of your tutors to discuss your writing in detail and to receive tailored feedback on your work.
You’ll leave the course with a stronger piece of writing, increased confidence in your craft, and a comprehensive understanding of the genre.
Please Note: All times are GMT
Week 1, Thursday 7 November
18.45 – 19.00: Everyone gathers online in the course Zoom room. A member of the Tŷ Newydd team will welcome you and the tutors. You’ll get to introduce yourself, meet everyone, and settle in.
19.00 – 20.00: First workshop
20.00 – 20.15 : Comfort break
20.15 – 21.15 : Second workshop
21.15 – 21.30: Closing remarks, and exercise set for next week’s session
Week 2, Thursday 14 November
18.45 – 19.00 : The Zoom room is opened ahead of the first session to give you time to settle in, ask questions and chat to your fellow participants.
19.00 – 20.00: Third workshop
20.00 – 20.15 : Comfort break
20.15 – 21.15: Fourth workshop
21.15 – 21.30: Closing remarks, and exercise set for next week’s session
Week 3, Thursday 21 November
18.45-19.00: The Zoom room is opened ahead of the first session to give you time to settle in, ask questions and chat to your fellow participants.
19.00-20.00: Guest reading
Week 4, Thursday 28 November
18.45 – 19.00: Everyone gathers online in the course Zoom room. A member of the Tŷ Newydd team will welcome you and the tutors. You’ll get to introduce yourself, meet everyone, and settle in.
19.00 – 20.00: Fifth workshop
20.00 – 20.15: Comfort break
20.15 – 21.15 : Sixth workshop
21.15 – 21.30: Closing remarks, and exercise set for next week’s session
Week 5, Thursday 5 December
18.45-19.00: The Zoom room is opened ahead of the first session to give you time to settle in, ask questions and chat to your fellow participants.
19.00-20.00: Seventh workshop
20.00-20.15: Comfort break
20.15-21.15: Eighth workshop
21.15-21.30: Closing remarks and celebration of each other’s work. Invitation from tutors to submit a sample of writing ahead of your one-to-one tutorial in two weeks’ time. Timetable of tutorials shared with writers by Tŷ Newydd staff member.
Week 6, Thursday 11 December
10.00 – 3.00 You attend a 30-minute one-to-one tutorial with one of your tutors during which you’ll receive bespoke feedback on your writing which will help you to keep on taking your writing forward and build a sustainable writing practice.

Meena Kandasamy

Durre Shahwar
Durre Shahwar is a writer, researcher, and educator with a PhD in autofiction and hybrid identity. She was shortlisted and highly commended for the Morley Lit Prize. Durre is the co-editor of multiple books; Gathering: Women of Colour on Nature (2020, 404 Ink), Just So You Know (2020, Parthian Books). She was the recipient of a Future Wales Fellowship, undertaking research on climate justice and art. Her writing explores how decolonised creative practices and methodologies can create space for marginalised narratives and has been featured in numerous publications, residencies, and exhibitions. She is the Deputy Editor of Wasafiri Magazine.